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Benefits of Thermal Cork Shield

HCS Thermal Cork Shield is a certified distributor and applicator of Thermal Cork Shield. We can give you various reasons why you should choose sprayed cork for your Minnesota home or business. Cork insulation offers a wide array of benefits to protect your interior spaces from the outdoors’ extreme temperatures. Cork is an innovative insulation solution that acts as a natural break to regulate indoor temperatures effectively. This revolutionary material also provides you with a safer, cleaner, and healthier living or working environment. Using Thermal Cork Shield to insulate your structure helps protect the environment since it’s a renewable resource extracted and manufactured without cutting down any trees. Investing in thermal cork insulation can significantly increase your energy efficiency and add natural beauty to your home’s exterior.

HCS Thermal Cork Shield Covers Your Comfort

HCS Thermal Cork Shield specializes in installing Thermal Cork Shield at commercial and residential properties. We work with trade partners so that our customers get peace of mind knowing our highly trained staff and the team of certified applicators are prepared to perform the job. Investing in revolutionary cork insulation for your home or business has never been easier. If you have questions about Thermal Cork Shield and how it can benefit your interior comfort and safety, we will gladly give you answers and schedule service at your property.

Cork Insulation Benefits for Minnesota Homes

HCS sprayed cork insulation can be applied to nearly any surface, such as metal, wood, Masonite, brick, and concrete. HCS Thermal Cork Shield applies Thermal Cork Shield to home exteriors, industrial equipment, and many other structures to provide thermal insulation that beats traditional insulation in durability, economic value, and eco-friendliness. Choosing cork insulation prepares your home or business to handle a wide array of harsh environments. Some of the benefits of cork insulation include the following:

  • Energy Efficient
  • Insulation optimization
  • Impact & crack resistant
  • Fade resistant
  • Fire Retardant
  • Mold and Salt Resistance
  • Noise dampening
  • 15-year Warranty
  • 100% Natural Product
  • No Maintenance Required

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Fight the Heat & Cold With Cork Insulation